Essential Booklist for Creative Inspiration

I am a total bookworm, and credit much of my self-growth to time spent reading and writing about my creative life. The books included here have all impacted me in a lasting way and influenced my workshops. I share this booklist in hopes that you find these books as life-changing as I did!

  1. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. You simply cannot have a list of books about creativity without including this staple. What I love about this book is that rather than simply reading it, you work through it. It takes a 12 week commitment and you spend anywhere from 30-90 minutes daily completing tasks and reflections laid out by the book. If you want an intensive overhaul of your creative practice and time for deep introspection, this book is just what you need. More on how my life was impacted by reading it here.

  2. Creativity, Spirituality, and Making a Buck by David Nichtern. This lesser-known book on creativity is perfect for someone who wants to be inspired to create authentically while also figuring out how to monetize their creative offering. This book includes tangible business knowledge to ground the more divine aspects of artistic expression and feeding our spiritual life. It comes with a workbook of questions that aid your self-exploration and includes instruction on Buddhist meditation. I found it to be both practical and incredibly insightful - a hard line to tow!

  3. Atomic Habits by James Clear. While this book does not explicitly focus on creativity, it offers amazing tools for any creative to use. It is a clear guide to making and breaking habits, which can be critical for anyone attempting to live a more creatively fulfilled life. I reference the author’s methods often in my workshops because one of the greatest hurdles to finding time for yourself or your creative outlets is building time into your routine. If you struggle with self-discipline or sticking to your resolutions, this book will help you find a path to prioritizing yourself and your creativity.

  4. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. This instant bestseller is best enjoyed for its inspirational quality. It pushes us to live a creative life, and opens up the definition of creative living to apply to anyone and everyone. It has less in the way of hands-on exercises, but has the ability to make anyone feel like creative living is possible for them. If you are someone who is creatively-curious, but maybe doesn’t consider themselves a creative yet, this book will reframe your mindset and empower you to live a more creative and fulfilling life.

  5. The Creative Act by Rick Rubin. Another famous book among artists and creatives, The Creative Act offers a detailed guide for the creative process. Of course, most creatives and artists have their own unique path from idea to fruition of a project, but the advice offered can be applied in a multitude of ways to all aspects of life and art. I enjoyed the Audiobook format which is produced with a meditative quality that encourages you to pause and digest the content slowly. I especially recommend this book to those who already have a creative practice and want that practice to permeate into all aspects of their life.

Thank you for taking a look, and please comment below if there are other books on the subject that you would recommend!


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